Valentine’s Day Writing Activities

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to spread a little extra kindness — and inspire your young writers at the same time! If you’re looking for Valentine’s Day writing activities that will get your kindergarteners excited to put pencil to paper, you’re in the right place. My Valentine’s Day Writing Activities pack is filled with fun and easy-to-use writing activities pages designed just for early writers. Whether your students are making a list of people they love or creating a card for a classmate, here’s a variety of ideas to help your students build confidence as writers!

Valentine's Day writing activities

I use most of these as writing centers for February, but they’re easy to use even if you don’t have a dedicated writing center! 

Writing Activity #1: Valentine’s Day Card Templates

These Valentine’s Day folding card templates allow your students to create cards for any special person in their lives! And don’t worry – they’re really easy to prep! Just print the pages double-sided and cut on the horizontal line, then fold to create the cards.

Valentine's Day writing activities

There are different options for the inside of the cards. For example, there are blank lines on one template. Other templates have traceable messages. Pick what works best for your students’ needs!

Valentine's Day writing activities

Writing Activity #2: Valentine’s Day Vocabulary

Here’s a great activity for working on vocabulary building and letter formation! Students will use a Valentine’s Day vocabulary poster to write a list of words. 

Valentine's Day writing activities

This looks like a simple activity, but I call it an “ice-breaker”, especially for reluctant writers. The reason is, sometimes it’s hard for some students to get started on a writing activity. This activity is quite scaffolded and provides an opportunity for them to write letters and words without the added layer of encoding. Of course, we want to eventually get to the level of encoding, but for students who struggle to get started on writing, activities like these are helpful.

Writing Activity #3: Writing a List

Writing lists is one of the several ways you can explore writing in kindergarten. I highly recommend writing lists because of the motivation factor. Lists allow students to write about what they like, which is definitely motivating for most kids! 

Valentine's Day writing activities

In my writing pack, there’s a variety of list templates for both “people” and “things”. There are options for students to draw an accompanying picture or just write the words. 

Writing Activity #4: Opinion Writing

Opinion writing is one of my favorite things to teach. Kindergarteners love sharing their opinions! These opinion writing pages have a fun Valentine’s Day twist. Flowers or balloons? Cupcakes or cookies? Students will state their preference and then give their reason.

Valentine's Day writing activities

Writing Activity #5: Valentine’s Day Writing

These pages have Valentine’s Day-related picture prompts. Students get to pick a picture to write about, then they can write a sentence about the picture. I typically do one of these as a shared writing activity before turning them loose.

Valentine's Day writing activities

Writing Activity #6: Writing Sight Words

Here’s a chance to practice sight words with a little Valentine’s Day fun mixed in! Students will write one sight word on each heart. Then they can color the hearts to look like conversation hearts.

Valentine's Day writing activities

Enjoy these Valentine’s Day Writing Activities!

With these Valentine’s Day writing activities, you’ll have everything you need to make writing meaningful for your kindergarteners. Giving students a chance to feel successful with writing is always my goal as a kindergarten teacher. Whether you use these activities in a writing center, for morning work, or as a whole-group activity, they will help your students build early writing skills while celebrating the holiday. Plus, they’re easy to prep and ready to use, saving you time so you can focus on what matters most: helping your writers grow!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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