Looking for decodable CVC word passages for your students? This pack includes ten Short I CVC word decodable passages designed with early readers in mind! Each passage includes decodable Short I words and common high-frequency words.
Additionally, each passage has three accompanying work pages: A warm-up page, a comprehension page, and a listen & write page. These are perfect for practice before and after reading each passage! Download the preview file for a look at these.
What’s Included:
10 decodable passages
Three work pages for each passage
40 total pages
How to Prepare:
These pages require no prep! Just print the pages and passages you want to use and you’re ready to go!
Please download the Preview File for a closer look!
Please note: This resource is NOT editable. Thank you for understanding!
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Looking for all of my decodable passages?
Be sure to check out my discounted CVC Decodable Passages Bundle!
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Copyright © Katie Roltgen
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